Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Erik Morkai's Great Company

Apparently my wife likes wolves and if I could get her to play 40k she would be playing Space Wolves. I don't know why she likes wolves but when she played the Wolfen in Confrontation she was unbeatable. Thus far she has avoided playing 40k, possibly due to no 6e rules, no 13th company, no rules for Morkai's Great Company. Oh wait they have rules for 6e through the FAQ and sometime next year the 6e Codex is rumored to appear. While we haven't seen the 13th Company since 4th edition there are some unofficial special rules on the internet for Erik Morkai. Yeah I spent several days scouring the internet in order to get some leverage in order to get my wife to beat me at 40k. Below are the rules I found for Erik Morkai and they look pretty good, everything he has can be taken by any normal Wolf Lord except his Saga and Silent Killers. These perks are balanced a bit by the fact that he can never have more than one Rune Priest in his army. Seeing as I have been on the receiving end of Njal in the past, Space Wolves only really need one Rune Priest on the board at a time. So the Rules for Erik Morkai are posted below and the original Librariun Online post in linked as well.

Varedis33 over at Librarium Online posted these rules for him on their forums

Wolf Lord Erik Morkai……………….. 210 pts
6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 2+/5++
Composition: 1 (Unique)
Unit Type: Infantry

War gear: Wolftooth Necklace, Runic Armor, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Belt of Russ
- are two Frost Axes which add +1 each to its user Strength and allows its wielder to re-roll any failed `'to wound' rolls.

Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear; Independent Character; Acute Senses; Counter-attack; Silent Killers, Saga of the Hunter

Silent Killers – Erik’s preferred tactics for his company are specialized in stealth mission that requires patience and silence. The large number of Wolf Scouts in Morkai`s company who lie in wait, often behind enemy lines, have launched ambushes that have won many battles and skirmishes. If Erik is leading the army then all Wolf Scout squads count as a Troops choice.

Saga of the Hunter – Erik`s Saga of the Hunter gives him the Stealth Special rule (+1 cover save). He (and any Fenrisian Wolves or Wolf Scouts he is leading) may enter the table from Reserve using the Outflank special rules.

Never Forgive: Erik's twin brother, Irnist the Wise, was elevated to the Space Wolves with him, but later left his side to join Logan Grimnar's entourage as a Rune Priest, something for which Erik has never truly forgiven him. Therefore, if Erik is leading the army, Rune Priests are 0-1 in the Force Organization chart.

 I don't have any problems with the rules above and for the most part you are taking him for the Wolf Scouts and as far as I can tell are pretty balanced for what you get. I don't think this one bit of information along with the lore that goes with him will get my wife to pick up the army but I probably could throw together 500 points worth if she did decide to play a game with them.

Here is hoping though.


  1. From what I have heard, you don't need a Rune Priest other than Njal...
